Read My S**t

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Black Racists

[sings at an ignorant pitch and volume]

"If you could gaze into the future... (future, future)
You might believe niggas are free. (niggas are free?)
Seeing lynch mobs from a distance. (yeah!)
I guess it ain't that easy. (oh no!)

I tried to wake up my black nation.
These niggas still misbehaving! (oh oh oh oooh!)

That's so racist! (It's the future I can see!)
That's so racist! (It's so mysterious to me!)
That's so racist! (It's the future I can see!)
That's so racist! (It's so mysterious to me!) (Yeah!)"

"Yep. That's me!"

Sometimes I feel like Jenny from Forrest Gump. Alone in the world. Confused. Misunderstood. And the only one, other than myself, that I can really trust is a crippled boy who has just miraculously ran his way out of the bondage of leg braces. Renewing the spirit of hope within me. And like Jenny, on most days, I wish that God would make me a bird too. So I could fly far, far away. From all of the evils in the world.

In particular, I really wish that God would make me into a giant fist. So I could punch the shit out of every white person that's ever used the phrase, "That's just racist!"

To whom this may concern, and to my fellow white brothers and sisters, you must understand that I do not speak out in utter hatred and disrespect for the white race. I'm much more mature and too intelligent to spew hatred. There's enough of that in the world. However, I can no longer sit and pretend as if there aren't things that get under my skin.

Via observation, it seems as though whites have a way with words and are often times misinformed about many things. I'm also well aware as to how you (whites) are prepared to read this post, critique it with a keen eye for grammatical errors and fallacies and attempt to debunk anything you may disagree with. You are more than welcome to do so. I'm prepared to defend my stance. I hold nothing back and I'm as honest as necessary about particular subject matter. If you're reading this and you become offended by the commentary, then there's no need to worry. Take a walk in a black man's shoes. He's been on the "defensive" while having been "offended" for over 400 years.

What goes around comes around.

In reference to black people within the Diaspora (Afrikan, African-American, the original Asiatics, the original Native Americans, the original Europeans, Afrikan people throughout the entire world who have fallen victim to miscegenation/historical rape, etc.), who occupy 196.9 million sq. miles of God's green earth, neither the term racism nor the act of "being racists" adequately applies to black people. It would seem that many today would believe that racism has absolutely everything to do with being non-receptive of humans on the basis of skin complexion and color. There are many institutions that have accepted such a flawed and rudimentary definition of racism; the first institution being the American education system.

Merriam-Webster's An American Dictionary of the English Language refers to the term racism as "a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race." I could somewhat agree, but then again, Noah Webster was an editor, author and colonialist who shared and highly respected American values pertaining to liberty and justice. Those values embedded within the moral fiber of liberty included the enslavement and brutal treatment of Afrikan people on American soil. He possessed no interest in sacrificing a way of life that placed whites in a position of power and dominion over other people. The accuracy of his definition of racism accentuates the ethnocentric value of white superiority and dominance. Quite ironic, wouldn't you say?

According to the works of the late historian and theologian, Dr. Ishakamusa Barashango, the historical definition of racism refers to "the system of racial subjugation of non-whites in every area of human relation. These areas include education, labor, politics, law, religion, sex, war and economics." In the interest of fairness, the latter definition addresses the right-wing view that black people can be subjected to a reverse form of racism.

In the case of reverse racism, the notion that blacks possess just as much of an ability to control, manipulate and destroy in a constructive and subtle manner, at the same capacity historically as many who have identified themselves as White/Anglo-Saxon, makes a great deal of sense theoretically. There's just one uncommon factor. There are no historical records, documentation or any irrefutable evidence of black/Afrikan people imposing any systematic, superior racial ideology upon other races for the purposes of economic control and the establishment of wealth. Through the roughage of burned libraries, textbooks and scrolls, stolen artwork and aesthetics, on the continent of Afrika, you may find a tumultuous amount of evidence accrediting the rich history of Afrikans. This rich history includes the advances in science, medicine, law, physics, biology and mathematics, along with archaeological and anthropological evidence of the existence of mankind globally which precedes westernized thought by 50,000 years.

Racism, in itself, is very complex. As we've witnessed, given the previous information on what racism has been, we're lead to believe that racism's complexity is by design. If there's no general consensus in the understanding of race and the ideology of racism, then there's no foundation to perform a contextual analysis for examining the affects of this complex institution. During the 17th century, Britain had established rule over the original 13 colonies of North America. The process of enslavement began as indentured servitude which later progressed into what would become chattel slavery. Slaves brought to the Caribbean islands of St. Thomas, Aquinas and Barbados were branded with the acronym R.A.C.E. which stood for 'Royal African Cargo of England' during the early 18th century (1719). Historically, it is obvious that the terminology, concept and its context had developed in the minds of Europeans years before the American Revolutionary War; a significant time period of the North American colonies breaking away from the tyranny of the British Empire.

Why is this important?

For by the time the colonies of North America had declared their independence, they had their own chain of islands, enough banking, cash crops and more than enough land to operate independently. There was no need to be subordinate to the tyrannical rule and taxation of the British Empire no longer. It benefited them none.

Think about it. Do black people really possess the ability to do unto other groups of people what was done unto them for the purpose of gaining wealth and power? Could the definition of racism be reversed? Given a substantial amount of power and wealth, how would black people wield that very power?

Million Dollar Question: Why would a select group of people who are victimized, singled out and have not benefited economically from this concept of race turn around and oppress other people with an institution they themselves did not assist in creating?

In 1915's The Birth of a Nation, an adaptation of a novel by Thomas Dixon Jr. entitled The Clansman, directed by D.W. Griffith, the film chronicles the life of two families and post-Civil War/Reconstruction policies that had a major influence on the reshaping the framework of American society. Although this was a controversial film, it was also fictional. Under the tutelage of President Woodrow Wilson, it was the first film to be featured in the White House. White characters in film dressing up in black face was the least of the controversy. It was in the depiction of black people who had received their just due of American power and civil liberties outlined by the U.S. Constitution. The imagery of black progress, institutionalized social programming and black sexual deviancy erupted the internal fears and insecurities that were already present in the mind of many whites in America. This would eventually justify and promulgate more violence, injustice and the instilling of programs that would have long term affects upon black people here in the U.S.

But why is this also important?

The film stigmatized many White Americans during that time period and led them to believe that black progress and entitlement would lead to their demise. This is the first time America was exposed to reverse racism. From the perspective of fictional characters and an even more fictitious plot. Not only was it the first film ever played in the White House, it was the first featured film in American history. The entertainment industry has had an intricate relationship with racial politics and social programming. Never in the history of black people have we subjected other groups to such madness and atrocities.

So there you have it. There's no such thing as black racism. Unless we're making references to the malcondition of black people, then it isn't something imposed by black people upon others, it is assigned and designated for the destruction of people of color. That's all it has ever done. Again, there's no physical or empirical evidence which suggests that black people created and benefited from the system of racial categorization for the building of an economic empire.

Think about it.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Broken Foundation

Funny Story with A Moral:

When I was a kid, living in Charlotte, NC, I attended Allenbrook Elementary School with my older brother and sister. I was a bit of a hothead who stayed in trouble with the faculty and staff of the school (I still, to this day, blame my classmates Mario and Dante, but that's neither here nor there), however, I was arguably the brightest kid in my class. Didn't make the best grades, but I was known for being the best reader and best poet. So, to impress a female (chocolate and light skinned females helped ruin my childhood) that I liked, I didn't change my behavior like any "smart" male would've done. No, not at all. Yet, with my extremely undersized backpack purchased by my pops who struggled to get 'em, I stuffed my bag full of books. I wanted to appear as if I was smart(er) so I could not only impress her (Monica), but also my fellow classmates and my teacher.

Long story short, one day, while on my way from the bus stop, the base of my backpack started to rip. I paid it no mind at first. For I didn't think it was a big deal. Until all of a sudden, right before I reached my dad's front porch, my bag ripped at the base. And it was right there. The books fell out from the base of the bag. There they were. On the ground. Covered in dirt. It had to have been five heavy textbooks or so that I had hijacked from the bookshelves of my second grade classroom. Reluctantly, my siblings didn't clown me as I expected them to. Not at all. They did, however, warn me of the whooping I'd receive from my dad. But my dad, once he had found out, wasn't upset. He laughed at me when I explained the story in detail.

But for the rest of the school year I had to wear my satchel upside down. And if I could've traded a vicious beating for the many insults I had to endure from the kids on the bus, my classmates, and "her", who was very fond of the term "idiot", describing me, I would've definitely taken the beating.

Moral of the story, don't let the over-consumption of materials be your downfall. Mainly dealing with money and wealth. To impress others who have no vested interest in preserving or even building your character. None of it is real and it won't bring you as much satisfaction in the long run as a clean heart and good health will. It's all an illusion. My story was only a microcosm of what America's going through right now. Having acquired so much money and wealth over the years through greed, manipulation and a hunger for power, that their foundation isn't strong enough to hold it all.

Sooner or later, it'll come crashing down, and in the end, what have you really gained? Was it really worth all of the heartache and pain you've caused throughout the world? It has done nothing for you but made you appear stronger than what you really were, when in reality, you're naturally weak, by default, and you're absent of any real power.


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Valentine's Day, Fuck You In Advanced!

We don't give a flying monkey's purple asshole of a shit about Valentine's Day here at Real Niggas Inc. We tried. We really did. And we know that we're 28 days away from viewing your sorry ass corpse of a holiday, but oh fucking well.

Excuse my language.

I'm not "anti-holidays" as much as I used to be. To tell you the truth, I thought it'd have been nice to open a present or two during Christmas. A paycheck paying rent for the next couple of months would've done me just fine. But instead of receiving gifts on an imaginary wish list that I had created for myself, at the time, I received exactly what Santa thought I deserved. Nothing. Not a damn thing. Who's complaining, eh?

Honestly, I really could care less about holidays or American traditions. I don't consider Valentine's Day a holiday. Usually holidays have some sort of significance attached to it. Like a famous person who did some incredibly famous shit during a critical time in world history, then they're martyred and made into some holiday. Valentine's Day doesn't seem to fit the criteria of an actually holiday. You know VD ain't shit because it's thrown right into the middle of the shortest fucking month throughout the year. How special does that make you?

And again. I'm not hating on the holiday. I just don't see the big deal. Never have and never will. I could understand if at one point during human history, a midget named Cupid, from Fuck Face, Norway, was going around shooting motherfuckers with a bow and arrow and sprinkling their worthless blood all over the caves of good ol' Scandinavia in the name of love.

Shit. That just sounds like a cool fucking story, wouldn't you say?

Apparently, that's not the case. At all. Chances are, Cupid's naked ass was probably getting gang raped by Pope Pipus Longdicks IV and his homeboys during a turkey dinner in the basement of The Vatican. In return, they gave him a few crappy gifts and some wet wipes to stop the bleeding, told him they loved him, gave him a pat on the ass knowing how much pain he'd be in, and laughed about it. Sounds like Christmas, but we all know that that particular holiday is about the birth of Jesus Christ...supposedly.

(That's another blog post in the future.)

As I've stated before, I have absolutely nothing against the holiday. In retrospect, I actually think V-Day deserves a lot of attention. It's such a beautiful thing to see men, women and children express love as opposed to fighting over dumb shit like "gun control". Why do you need an AK-47 to hunt deer? That's another blog post, so I respectfully digress. And it's even more beautiful to see such lovely faces in restaurants as they argue and bicker over how many tables are actually free so they can sit and enjoy a nice meal while checking out the decorations. Or even when women scream and bless out their significant other for not buying them something really expensive while in the process of preparing themselves mentally for an obvious response of, "Well, it's the thought that counts!" Here's a good one. How about all of the lonely fucks, like myself, who'll be sitting at home watching college basketball and checking the mentions section of Twitter every 3 to 5 seconds hoping someone will post a Happy Valentine's Day message for that particular day.

Holidays in their purest forms. You've gotta love it.

Valentine's Day has absolutely nothing to do with love. Must I be so frank? Sure, why not? It's true. If only one day out of the year is designated for the "celebration of love", why would that day be February 14th? Why not any other day? Or everyday? I could go on and on about the history, but Google doesn't provide much assistance, and there aren't enough books to validate a particular day that's chosen for the celebration of love.

Question: Wouldn't the world be a better place if love was celebrated everyday?

In conclusion, I'm not a big fan of V-Day, but if you choose to celebrate that particular day as a holiday, then that's up to you. You're an individual. You have rights. And the greatest power is the power to choose. So, your choice. Don't let anything said in this blog post hinder you from doing whatever it is that you feel is right. But at the same time, don't be so blind. And celebrate love every single day.

But fuck you, in advanced.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Conspiracy Theory: How to colonize an area for control purposes 101

Governmental "funny business" happens often. Most of the time, when it occurs, we, the American people, are too prioritized in matters that only concern ourselves. The freest country in the western hemisphere seems to lack the most empathy for others outside of our comfort zone. And besides, it's all one giant conspiracy theory anyway, right? Right?!

Perhaps. The terms "conspiracy" and "theory" are grouped together in a phrase which seems to be used (or has been used) by the more apathetic ones of the world. Truthfully, conspiracies do exist. As well as theories. All apples and oranges. It could all be true or it could all be a fallacy. Critical thinkers, computer geeks and the more socially conscious individuals seem to have one thing in common in matters such as these. They usually know when something's not right even when told that everything is "alright".

As much as I'd love to give the long, drawn out definition of the term colonization and place it in its proper context, let me simplify it while drawing the correlation it has with conspiracy theories. In Layman's Terms, colonization is simply a method of "taking something not your own and making it your own". Simple, right? Well, not quite. The message is clear, yet the methodology is quite complex. And the reasoning behind it all is even more complex. Not as simple and recognizable as it should be to the masses of people on this planet. Greed is really one of the deadliest sins ever.

Colonization efforts have taken place throughout history. You've heard the tall tales and have seen the many Hollywood films glorifying the atrocities of New World establishments. This isn't your typical big bully coming to kick you out of your own sandbox league. In this case, the big bully isn't as tough as they thought they were and now have to reassess their approach to kick out whoever's in the sandbox because it's not the sandbox that they're really after. It's what's inside the "sandcastles" and the particular type of "colony" that's already established within the sandbox. Some sandcastles are filled with just plain old sand - yet are surrounded by various ingredients that'll make the bully much stronger. Other sandcastles in certain sandboxes, depending on "location", are flooded with materials which will not only strengthen the bully and their efforts, but will also give them an excessive amount of wealth and power so they can easily bully the other children of sandboxes that are much stronger and potentially bigger bullies than themselves.

I hope you're keeping up with me, folks.

Well, today, I'm going to coach you. Yes. I'm going to coach you on how to colonize an area, country or region that consist of some really luxurious castles with even more snazzy minerals that'll make you the strongest bully in all the land. Here are just 10 simple steps to help you complete your mission:

Remember..."The best killer is a silent killer." - Anonymous

1) Study and survey the area, tribe or region you want to colonize. Acquiesce the necessary resource and understand its nature, function and its potential usage.

So, what is it you're looking for? Ah yes. You don't know. Well, go find out. Also, while you're in the midst of your search, ask around. You're an anthropologist. Your "partner" is a documentarian and quite the historian. Your team that's with you are a group of diggers. Just tell whoever's there that you're looking for dinosaur fossils or some crap like that. They'll buy it. As long as you have a license from your company/organization, you should be good to go.

You should occupy that particular space until you've damn near learned the area like the back of your hand. That way you can give directions when the rest of your buddies show up with the heavy artillery and weapons. You may need protection in the future. 

2) Formulate divisive tactics to eliminate any possible threats to your accomplishment. (i.e. coercion, bribery, blackmail, etc.)

Dude, trust me. It's not as bad as it may sound, but sometimes you have to play dirty with dirty players, if you catch my drift. There are just some people in the area you're trying to "assist" that are kinda like conspiracy theorists. They get a hunch and they prepare themselves for attack. Paranoid pre madonnas. They don't believe you're there looking for dog bones, so you're gonna have to keep them at bay. Make sure you have something to offer them.

Remember all that "funding" given to you by your governments (or the people who thought they were donating a couple of bucks to cancer research)? Yes! You've now turned that into a currency that's suitable enough to make sure you're handling business and it's also enough to give to those tough guys to keep them off your back. Trust me. When you're paying someone's rent and putting food on their tables, there's not much to complain about. If that doesn't work, you can always provide "treatment" to your problem by calling one of your other buddies who's an ace in Call of Duty...the live version.

3) Keep the major threats preoccupied with meaningless information and media. (i.e. political ads, rumors, etc.)

Some people just can't be bought. And that's always a problem with colonization efforts. Not every man in the world crumbles at the sight smoke, mirrors, money, prostitutes and cocaine. Cocky bastards, I must say.

There are "major threats" that can pose an even bigger issue than the minor ones. These are the governments, head officials and trusted elders/councilmen of the area. Now these sons of bitches almost always smell fish. They'd make great conspiracy theorists, wouldn't you say? Sometimes, when someone smells fish, you don't add more fish, you give 'em a meal. Take the attention off of yourself. You're not the first person that's presented a threat. Expose what you have examined. You're a great talker. Remember that one time you had one of your men dig up some fossils and you stumbled upon a chemical that could be used for atomic weaponry? Or about that time one of the "little guys" stole or "borrowed" some money from you? Yeah. The reporters are gonna LOVE to hear this! Continue on.

4) Give the inhabitants of the land “the illusion of peace” via religion or the image of a better lifestyle.

The world you want to eventually create is a world EVERYONE can live in. It's a world full of glamour, glitz and hobbits! Not only is this a magical world, unlike the land you're occupying, it's also a world of peace and serenity. At least that's what you're preaching to the inhabitants of the land who are perceived to be dirt poor and downtrodden. They live in huts, eat weird food and they worship a bar of soap next to a totem pole. Strange people. They need a makeover! And you can provide it for them!

Persian rugs from Europe (eh?) are much better and a lot softer than dirt pads. Let 'em cop a good feel of it. And for that religion of theirs known as Boo Boo where they worship Lord Boo so much that they begin to smell like it. Tell 'em to shove it. Your way of life, your beliefs, moral consciousness and your rhetoric is so much better. If they don't buy into it, then fine. Play a friendly game of catch with their children and invite some of your missionary buddies to come and play with 'em too. Every good salesman knows that "it's not what you're selling, but how you sell it and how it appears before it's sold". Bullshit can smell like the finest cologne if you make it that way.

5) Earn the trust of the elders of the tribe/village through the offering of gifts and the “act” of submission to their guidance.

Yes. It's true. If people like you, and give you their trust, everything else is quite simple. You're a nice guy. Your partner's a nice guy. Your hitman's pretty awesome as well and he's not afraid to show emotion. And of course your missionary pals are pretty cool and they're always smiling. You're practically more loved in the village or tribe than the people who've lived there much longer. And in terms of colonizing a place, THAT, my friend, is a great thing!

You're so loved by the people, they've invited you to join them in their boo boo ceremonials. You can't understand a word they're saying, but just keep smiling. There's someone there who'll be able to translate and explain to you how "Boo Booism" works. No worries. And old people back home usually give you cookies to make you happy, but not the elders of Lord Boo's following. If they offer you some "gunk mush", no matter how it tastes, just eat a little bit. Eat it with a smile. It looks good on camera! Just go with it. Give 'em something in return. Shit, offer 'em your grandmother's pearls if you need to. Lord Boo will be pleased, at least.

6) Identify differences within the sect or culture and exploit it through action.

Don't expect the people of such a great place filled with plenty of "money-making opportunities" to be monolithic. Not everyone's the same. And they're okay with that. But before they begin to "smell the fish", you wanna make sure they're NOT okay with it before they become a threat you'd just hate to have to eliminate. It's for their own good. I mean, that's what you've been telling them the entire time, right? Good.

They have their differences, of course. But when it comes down to interaction with the naked v. partially clothed inhabitants, who do you feel more comfortable talking to? Fat v. skinny inhabitants, who would you rather play with in a game of catch? As for the dark v. the really dark inhabitants, who'd you rather sleep with or even sleep next to? Exactly. The emotional charge you'd receive will be incredible.

Finally, they disagree on some things. For the people you don't agree with, just lightly pretend as if they're not there. Have them pick some fruit for you while you diligently work on your assignments. (Reminder: your government supports your efforts and they've been keeping tabs on everything that's been going on including the differences of the members in that particular geographical location.)

7) When tension arises, as expected, silently pick a side, yet sustain your position as “the peacemaker” through it all.

Before there's war, there's always tension. If you've followed steps 1-6 effectively, then you're close to clear sailings. Never forget. Once you have their trust, you'll have most of the tools, including some extra, necessary to complete your objective. Nothing comes easy. It can be a tedious job, but it can also be a walk in the park. It's all about how you play the game. Colonizing is fun, fun, fun! And all while this is happening, there are people in other places who have absolutely no clue as to what's going on. The blindfold of ignorance keeps the sheep unaware of the wolves. 

As you begin to notice some of the tribesmen, women, children, elders and councilmen having their issues, you don't have to necessarily chime in and offer your expertise. You're too peaceful to get involved. Everyone, for the most part, likes you and all of your friends. Only get involved when called upon. Your role is quite simple. You're the "peacemaker". You don't mean any harm. And besides, you have even more good people like yourself who specialize in "social work" and "politics". They can help solve whatever issues there are. The mere fact that you care is enough to put a smile on their faces.

8) When the conflicts ensue and things turn violent, imprison the “troublemakers”, then proceed to "clean up" the mess that's been made.

Stick to the objective. You're there to colonize and control the population for their resources, not make friends or enemies. These people now have some serious issues that the rest of the world knows about! We can't even begin to list all of the problems they have! Let's see - we have bribery in political offices, extortion, blackmail, espionage, rumors of tribal conflicts and civil war, and it's gotten so bad, that a few people who used to believe in the ways of the Boo Boo have now moved on to believing whatever it is that you believe in. Which is not a bad thing, right? Wrong! Lord Boo is not pleased! And he can be violent. Everyone must feel the wrath of Lord Boo! Good thing no one's gotten hurt or even died over it yet.

Gasps! Oh no!

On the eve of XX/XX/XXXX at approximately XX:XXPM, one of the most well-known and well-respected members of the great land was brutally murdered. Sources say that he had enemies within the region who did not buy into his ideology, political philosophy, religion and who also did not like the fact that his skin was darker than theirs? Sounds so petty. Seriously, who fights over crap like that? Doesn't matter. You're on your way to Colonized Heaven, buddy! You have no time to mourn and weep over spilled milk. You're lactose intolerant anyway. And the media is just eating this up. All while your hitman sits right next to you listening to the radio report from your home country saying to himself, "Man, this is so sad. He was such a great guy." (tears, tears)

Now, your job is simple at this point. Since you're the good guy. Find the "killer", seek out motive, use it in the court of law (or whatever code or constitution the people follow) and throw the scoundrel in prison! And to all of his comrades (or supporters) that are left, just take 'em out back and have some fun! You'll be a hero in no time!

9) If the vulnerability of the people decreases, send in a military with more weapons and resources and proceed accordingly.

Civil war has broken out like lice in a classroom full of 2nd graders. People are angry at each other right and left. Some of them are so angry that they've created - what started out as - small cliques and have become actual gangs! These guys are pretty hardcore. They used to be so nice to each other. You even remember some of the children you played kickball with have now joined gangs. So young. So innocent. Lord Boo is NOT pleased. How could he be? Or she? Whatever, you've forgotten by now. And so have they.

These aren't the same peaceful, loving people you once knew. And these small tribes that have turned into gangs or affiliates of gangs are violent beyond belief! They're mainly violent because they're poor and hungry after being cast out of their villages. Hey, it was for the best, right? Right?! Now these poor, hungry and quite pitiful tribes have become violent and feel as though they must do what's necessary in order to survive. Remember, you're the peacemaker.

You've developed a great relationship with everyone over the years, so they can expect you to give them food, money and other resources...such as weapons. Everyone LOVES shiny objects. A nice and shiny M16, Glock 9MM, Sig Sauer pistol, AK-47 and big ol' rocket launcher is like selling candy to small children. Except for the fact that you're not selling them anything. And along with those weapons, give the poor and hungry bastards something that'll take their minds off of their malcondition. A little bit of crack cocaine, liquor and the illusion of political and social freedom goes a long way, does it not? Give it a try and see what happens. It's Christmastime in a land flooded with wealth! They're gonna love you forever...and ever...and ever!

Now, there are some old school, paranoid schizos who've been onto you from the very beginning. At this point, you'll need your allies more than ever to fend off these "troublemakers". But you don't just give away the food, money, clothing, shelter and weapons to your allies. No! No! Hell no! Why would you do that? They're your "allies" or, as they say back in your home country, "business partners". But what would they have to give that you'd actually want? Good question. Some precious stones, metals, rubber, gold, silver, diamonds, copper, titanium and funny smelling plants that are known to cure some of the most outrageous diseases ever, perhaps? Oh no. Not that. What could you possibly do with any of that stuff?

Sell it for a much higher price to other lands of people who could benefit from it? Sure. Keep some of the materials and use them to make the necessary products that'll be good for selling at a much higher price to the consumers in your home country as well as other similar countries that are thriving politically, economically and socially? Hell yes!

10) Create a stabilized market/economic system through the trading, buying and selling of the resources you were after initially.

It was almost as easy as taking candy from a baby. The psychological damage has been done beyond repair. Well, there's still room for repair, but by the time the repairmen show up, they won't be trusted and you'll be long gone. You'll be on an island somewhere sipping pina coladas with one of the dark-skinned tribeswomen who actually thinks bathing in bleach and wearing that special skin cream that makes her skin lighter is the "cool" thing to do. She's weird, of course, but she has a nice body and she damn near sold her soul to you when she was just a little girl growing up in the villages. And she still does that thing with her tongue just as she did when she were younger. You're the man!

And not to mention, you now have your own company! Yes. You have your own business(es). You have a warehouse set up in the old village that's operated by your allies and some of the relatives of the dead elders, you have a company running on its own back in your home country and you have a few small businesses set up in a few countries that are considered superpowers. Some of the materials that you've acquired are now being used inside of that slick android phone of yours that gives you business updates and text messages whenever your stock goes up. People are buying your product right and left. So what if their credit sucks! You're making tons of money. So  much money that even your children's children will be millionaires by the time they're able to say "da da".

Note of Emphasis: You also want to eliminate any possible skepticism that you're involved in any strange dealings. Take as much time away from a bad situation as possible. Cover all of your tracks. Or, if you're smart, just hire someone to cover all of your tracks for you. You have friends in high places that have a little bit of pull in radio, television and news media (i.e. CBS, CNN, MSNBC, BBC, Telemundo, etc.) No one knows what you're doing and no one really knows what's going on. And as long as that's the status quo, then you'll be just fine.

You'd also be just as prosperous by making sure your "buddies" are giving false reports to journalists, giving an unclear perspective on the matter and making sure it's all documented. Tell some of those really nice gang members who remember all of the Christmas gifts you've given them that there'll be some of your friends are coming with cameras, lights and practically a Hollywood set and that they're gonna be famous. Of course they're gonna eat it up. They'll eat up anything you feed them. They're poor and hungry, just like you left them. Not only that, but now they're going to be poor, hungry and extremely violent - ready to kill anyone who stands in their way or tries to run for cover.

So you can tell Lord Boo to suck your greedy little cock because he's just been owned! There's a new God, a new religion and a lot more money to be made! Success has never tasted so sweet!

If you follow these steps, you’ll have your own land full of resources and enough helpless victims to assist you in your efforts in no time.

And when people try and expose you for what you've done, just look at them with a straight face and say, "Oh, that's some old conspiracy theorist bullshit! Let me show you the ladder to success. If you're ready to climb!" (thumbs up)

Monday, January 11, 2010


Well, since it's hard for me to sleep on the eve of the 1st day of classes for this Spring 2010 semester, I figure it'd be the perfect time to post a blog. Might as well. Maybe doing all of this typing will help me to sleep in a little while. I haven't had the time nor the energy to post a blog in a while. There's been a lot of things going on in my life that I could've shared with the blog world, but I held back on doing so. Coming from the person who lives by the open-book policy. Simply, the open-book policy means that everyone around me, and even those who don't know me so well, have a bird's eye view of my life because I don't hide much of anything that goes on in it. With that being said, I feel the need to share some of what's been going on with me and provide a bit of inspiration to you who view this post. I aim to inspire; through means of positivity and encouragement.

Given the fact that this is a new year, I've been obliged to offer some of the things that I have learned throughout 2009; some good, some not so good, but helpful.

I learned back in 2009 that Twitter is king. Yes, I said it. Twitter, a fairly new social networking site, has taken over the internet and gives a brand new meaning to "information sharing". It's the shit, to say the least. I'm on it, my friends are on it, a few family members are on it, Barack Obama has an account, but rarely uses it, there are a few crackheads who have accounts, but they go to other people's houses just to take a peek and send a couple of shout out tweets, etc. It's the new shit poppin' on the internet. When I first stumbled upon Twitter, I thought it was whack and corny. I thought, "Who in the world would use this shit?" All you do is sit there and post "tweets" (status updates) about what you're doing throughout your seemingly normal, ultimately fucked up life. Yeah, was I ever so wronged about Twitter. So, buried in my own ignorance, I just kept the account active for a few months just to see what would happen, curious as to whether I'd like it and want to continue a member of Twitter, or close my account and not tell anyone that I had one. To my surprise, I sort of fell in deep like with Twitter. I discovered why people loved Twitter so much. It's the information feeder. I found out very quickly that posting articles, news topics, current events, and sports information was the ultimate way to go. It kept people in the know and it kept me in the loop as to what was going on in the world. I liked it automatically after a good 2 weeks. Then, it got better. I found a lot of my close friends and classmates were using Twitter as well. Now, what's interesting about that is the fact that I have some hilarious, sometimes weird friends and family. The things they posted via Twitter were my daily entertainment outlets. I could stay on for hours reading their tweets, responding and laughing at them constantly. Then, I was introduced to the Trending Topics section. Man ol' man! When I tell you that trending topics were/are the business, I kid you not, it was the business! Some of the craziest thoughts ran through my mind as well as others.

Some of the notable trending, quite famous, topics of the past and present:

#signedtoyoungmoney - All-time favorite!
#fuckyoumean - 2nd all-time favorite!
#theresanappforthat - 3rd all-time favorite!
#somefuckniggashit - I went in on this one!
#somecuffahoeshit - I REALLY went in on this one!
#iwouldsmash - This one got me into a lot of trouble!
#fabsteeth - This was just wrong!
#preciouslookslike - This was worse!

...And the list goes on.

Let's not even begin to mention the people that you'll find yourself following and un-following in a one-week time frame. It's incredible, I must say. Some people take it too seriously, but it really isn't that serious. Oh well, those people don't have much of a life (I try to tell them all the time, it's just Twitter). They're recently introduced the "retweet" feature. Basically, whatever a person tweets, you don't have to go through the rigorous hassle of copying and pasting their material, but you can just simply click a button and POOF there it is right there. Their tweet, their copyright, but you're statement that you retweeted their information. I generally tweet and retweet stuff that's either funny, inspirational, or information that I feel is necessary to others. Currently, I'm at 16,493 tweets. Yeah, I think I tweet too much my damn self, but am I going to stop it? Hell no.

Needless to say, Twitter is the shit. It has gotten me through some turbulent times in my life. It has also gotten me into a lot of trouble, but good trouble in a way. Whoever created Twitter has to be the richest, most unknown, dude in the entire world, or somewhere close to being the richest.

Yeah, not much to talk about @ 5:41am, but nevertheless, it's made me very sleepy. So...well...umm...goodnight!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Post 15: LeBron vs. Kobe - The Argument That May Never End!

Okay, so in case you haven't heard - or you've been living under a rock with a tube of KY and a porn magazine - the Cleveland Cavaliers suffered a 13-point defeat at the hands of the Orlando Magic in the Eastern Conference Finals withe the final score being: Magic 103, Cavs 90. The loss was the 2nd consecutive conference finals lost for the Cavaliers lead by a heralding LeBron James in a Jordanesque performance for the ages averaging 35.4 pts per game, 8.8 rebounds per game and a 'one guard' effort of contributing 8.6 assists per game. Unlike his teammates, many of them in their final years of contract negotiations, James has provided charisma, hardwork and has brought a high level of intensity in the playoffs that hasn't been seen since Dwayne Wade in 2006 - or even Michael Jordan himself in 1992.

Speaking of Michael Jordan, I am constantly reminded of Def Jam recording artists Fabolous and NeYo when they recorded the hit single, 'You Make Me Better' in 2007, but more or less referring to Jordan, but also referring to Scottie Pippen and company. Where would Jordan and Pippen be without one another? Then again, where would LeBron and 'young, healthy players' be without each other? To answer the latter, the proof is in the pudding. Without a championship!

Now, I could go on and on about the Eastern Conference Finals and how the 2009 Orlando Magic is absolutely the most underrated team in NBA history, in my opinion, but 'twould be completely unfair to ignore the fact that the Los Angeles Lakers have proven, once again, that they're the best team in basketball taking down the 2nd best team statistically in the Western Conference - the Denver Nuggets [or the Denver Chicken Nuggets as I would like to call them]. Don't get me wrong, I think Carmelo Anthony is going to give teams hell in the near future and I also believe Chauncey Billups is a great point guard, but I kind of felt bad about them losing in the manor they did. They were beaten so badly, I couldn't bear to watch the last 2 minutes of the game. After the game was over, there was a part of me that wanted to talk all of the shit in the world about the Nuggets, but I just couldn't do it. It was like watching a firing squad unload on a group of mentally-retarded schoolchildren. That funny feeling in the pit of my stomach is still there, to say the least.

Needless to say, the NBA Conference Finals on both sides have been fun to watch. Now it's time to move on to the NBA Finals and see who will be the champion of the entire basketball world. It's going down, June 4th on ABC with the Los Angeles Lakers hosting the Orlando Magic. Oh, and I'm rooting for the Lakers. But one just cannot help but wonder whatever happened to that 'Clash of the Titans' matchup between Kobe and LeBron?

This just restores an argument which should have been laid to rest 3 months ago when VitaminWater made such an enormous stickle in the propaganda pinning two of the league's most prominent athletes against one another, sprucing up one of the most highly debated arguments in sports history. Now, that portion of the debate has ended. Or has it?

I don't think so. I honestly believe that clear and present evidence isn't good enough for die-hard, right-winged fans of LeBron James [if you can't tell already, I'm siding with the argument which places Kobe Bryant aka 'The Black Momba' as the greatest player in the current NBA]. Winning a conference championship in the arguably the toughest conference in the league isn't enough for people these days. Carrying out methodical scoring drives on every play facing 3 of the NBA's toughest, defensively-sound teams in the league wasn't enough [those teams being the Utah Jazz, Houston Rockets, and the Denver Nuggets]. Maintaining a playoff record of 9-2 at home isn't good enough, I guess [okay, so the Cavs only lost one game at home in the playoffs, who cares]. Playing with back spasms and an attention-focused pinky finger wasn't good enough? Of course it was good enough.

First and foremost, I respect LeBron James at the greatest capacity. To be quite honest [as much as I would hate to admit], LeBron has been the most deadliest, consistent basketball player in the NBA for the past 3 seasons, and he's continuously getting better by the day. At this stage in his career, he is better than Kobe Bryant...individually, that is. Yes, I admit it, he's better than Kobe. There are factors as to why I think LeBron is better than Kobe at this point in his career also. Well, for starters, LeBron is a better on-the-court facilitator than Kobe Bryant is. He has a great sense of awareness on the court and he syncronize with his teammates. Kobe Bryant is more of a finess player and does a adequate job of creating opportunities for his players to 'get in position' so he can facilitate within the LAL's infamous triangle offense. Secondly, LeBron is a stronger and more athletic basketball player than Kobe is [not to mention younger]. His size, strength and athleticism makes LeBron a dangerous inside scorer and a nightmare for opposing defenses. What separates Kobe from LeBron with individual skills is the mere fact that Kobe has a better knowledge of how different players in the NBA operate on a game-to-game basis, which comes from years of experience and consistent game film study. Not saying that LeBron doesn't study film, but he's not as experienced.

Sometimes I think people get caught up in the flashiness of the NBA, with the slam dunks, dramatic shots, and alley-oops, they tend to forget about the strategies and the minor things that happen on the court that often times go unnoticed. I can assure you, Kobe has been there and done that in his career, but now I think it's more of a personal goal for Kobe to just win championships, not be the star player individually. I don't think it was ever the intention for Kobe to be the greatest player ever, although many people would consider otherwise, but if it works out that way, it just works out that way. I kind of gotten sick and tired of the argument altogether. It's a bit overrated at this stage and the media will do anything to market themselves rather than the player. In this case, the media being the NBA. The recent events in NBA history doesn't necessarily mean that the argument is void, nor does it mean that one player is greater/less than greater than another player. It just means that great players are born, but champions are made. It isn't something that's gonna come as a shower of natural, divine talent, but you can't win an NBA Championship nowadays without the right people behind you. And it's apparent that LeBron, Carmelo and D-Wade is beginning to realize it. Could anyone name one player who has won a championship by hisself [no, Wilt Chamberlain doesn't count]?

This argument shall be momentarily laid to rest until further examination has ensued. Until next time, I'm Justin Cunningham. God speed, and good night!


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Post 14: SouljaBoyTellEm

Hello world, what's poppin'? Here I am, once again. Sitting at this computer Twittering like a mu'fucka while watching this Lakers/Rockets game [if I must say, is pretty interesting...well, the Lakers are kicking ass like I knew they would]. Oh, and Trevor Ariza is that dude, real talk. He's gonna make a great player in the future. And these commercials with this "Drag Me To Hell" trailer is gonna fuck up my night. I can't take this shit. I'm not gonna go see the movie, I don't fuck with scary films like that. Sorry.

Well, to vent a bit, it's been brought to my attention as of late that the Soulja Boy craze is getting worse. People all over the world love his music - if that's what you wanna call it - and they're amazed at how he has contracted the largest fan base since 50 Cent did it in 2003. Count it, Soulja Boy is quite innovative, but there are some people who would argue his musical integrity and core talent [or lack thereof]. There are still people in the music world who thinks Soulja Boy shouldn't be rapping [if that's what they chose to call it]. It's said that he [Soulja Boy] has no real rap experience, no lyrics, no versatile content, no progression, and no guile as an artist. Are they correct in their assessments, or are they just 'hating'? Then again, many of his fans could argue that although Soulja Boy doesn't have the talent and skill as many other rap artists, he does possess a lot of creativity and he makes good music. He's one of the shining examples young, black entrepreneurship in America today. Now, is this side correct, or are they just 'brainwashed'? To each is own.

Me personally, I could care less about what Soulja Boy does, but I agree with both arguments. Let's face it, Soulja Boy isn't the next 2Pac or Jay-Z...or whoever your favorite rapper may be [in case S.B. is your favorite each is own], but Soulja Boy is creative and the music he's making is bringing in a lot of funding for him. He is an entrepreneur and he's innovative. I commend S.B. on his efforts.

But if you know me, you know I'm gonna keep it 100 with hip-hop culture.

Although S.B. is good guy and he's impressed the music industry thus far, he's definitely NOT what hip-hop needs. I'm not hating, I'm just expressing opinions about something that should be considered common knowledge by now. The songs he's making now are club-savvy and radio friendly, they're not introspective, socially-conscious, and by no means, are they lyrical. S.B. couldn't spit a hot lyric if he substituted lava and acid for saliva in his mouth. He's garbage, to say the least. It's like the Gucci Mane argument all over again. There is nothing special about their lyrics. I wish some people would wake up and realize the true meaning of hip-hop music and culture, and stop settling for mediocrity. True hip-hop heads knows a one-hit-wonder when we see them. Afro Man was whack, and the world knew it. He didn't last long. Soulja Boy, on the other hand, drops one dance song, and we keep him around? MTV places him in the Top 25 Hottest Emcees in rap [coming in @ #12...Soulja Boy Tell'Em]? The world goes crazy over his music? The kids love him? They're following his trends and they're wearing these big ass glasses? I digress. To each is own.

I'm spent. I've given up on rap music for a while. Rap music is dead. But I can't deny the fact that Soulja Boy is one hell of a hustler! Or could it be that the music industry is brainwashed? Who knows. Could be a conspiracy to take the attention away from the Hip-Hop Police's investigation in the murders of 2Pac & Biggie. Hmm...

Stay tuned for more blogging from yours truly,

The Man With 100 Nicknames! b.k.a. ~Loyalty~