Thursday, January 17, 2013

Broken Foundation

Funny Story with A Moral:

When I was a kid, living in Charlotte, NC, I attended Allenbrook Elementary School with my older brother and sister. I was a bit of a hothead who stayed in trouble with the faculty and staff of the school (I still, to this day, blame my classmates Mario and Dante, but that's neither here nor there), however, I was arguably the brightest kid in my class. Didn't make the best grades, but I was known for being the best reader and best poet. So, to impress a female (chocolate and light skinned females helped ruin my childhood) that I liked, I didn't change my behavior like any "smart" male would've done. No, not at all. Yet, with my extremely undersized backpack purchased by my pops who struggled to get 'em, I stuffed my bag full of books. I wanted to appear as if I was smart(er) so I could not only impress her (Monica), but also my fellow classmates and my teacher.

Long story short, one day, while on my way from the bus stop, the base of my backpack started to rip. I paid it no mind at first. For I didn't think it was a big deal. Until all of a sudden, right before I reached my dad's front porch, my bag ripped at the base. And it was right there. The books fell out from the base of the bag. There they were. On the ground. Covered in dirt. It had to have been five heavy textbooks or so that I had hijacked from the bookshelves of my second grade classroom. Reluctantly, my siblings didn't clown me as I expected them to. Not at all. They did, however, warn me of the whooping I'd receive from my dad. But my dad, once he had found out, wasn't upset. He laughed at me when I explained the story in detail.

But for the rest of the school year I had to wear my satchel upside down. And if I could've traded a vicious beating for the many insults I had to endure from the kids on the bus, my classmates, and "her", who was very fond of the term "idiot", describing me, I would've definitely taken the beating.

Moral of the story, don't let the over-consumption of materials be your downfall. Mainly dealing with money and wealth. To impress others who have no vested interest in preserving or even building your character. None of it is real and it won't bring you as much satisfaction in the long run as a clean heart and good health will. It's all an illusion. My story was only a microcosm of what America's going through right now. Having acquired so much money and wealth over the years through greed, manipulation and a hunger for power, that their foundation isn't strong enough to hold it all.

Sooner or later, it'll come crashing down, and in the end, what have you really gained? Was it really worth all of the heartache and pain you've caused throughout the world? It has done nothing for you but made you appear stronger than what you really were, when in reality, you're naturally weak, by default, and you're absent of any real power.


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