Monday, May 11, 2009

Post 12: Top 10 Signs [Ladies] That Your Man Is Gay!

In light of the fact that "alternative lifestyles" are becoming more socially acceptable, we'd like to shine some light on the many men mask their true sexual preference. They either hide the fact that they are gay or they just don't know it yet!

The myth of the down-low man has many women, whether jokingly or seriously, looking at their mates and asking themselves, "is he gay?" Maybe it was an excessive roll in his neck when he told you "No. I'm not hooking up your DVD player right now," or the way he imitates his gay co-workers down to the switch in his walk. While some men would say that he's simply "comfortable with his sexuality," others would say, "he's gay."

With the recent prevalence of such terms as the "homothug" and the "metrosexual," it can be hard to tell the difference between a man that simply likes to bend gender rules and a man that likes to bend over.

We've done some research and put together a few signs that might warn you to stay away from the guy you're dating because he may secretly wear your panties and play in your make-up. This read is for entertainment purposes only, so please don't get your panties in a bunch, no pun intended fellas.

1. He spends more time with his boys than with you.If your guy spends more time with his "boys," or one in particular that you have yet to meet, there's a reason for this! Don't get suckered into the idea that your man is just playing Madden for hours at a time... he's playing football alright, the touching kind.

2. He switches his style suddenly.If your guy was once dressed with some urban flair and went from rocking Timb's in the summer to designer flip-flops and polo's, then you should try and schedule a lunch date with him and his "boy" he's "playing poker" with.

3. He's extremely homophobic.If your man has an extreme dislike for flamboyant gay men or your gay friends, so much so that he can't stand to be around them, then he's got something to hide and he's terrified of being exposed by the "gaydar."

4. He has lost his sexual appetite.If your man is no longer pushing up on your booty in the bed, suddenly lost his goodstroke or lacks the "morningwood," he's either lost his sexual desires for you or for women all together. This is a red flag.

5. He spent an extended amount of time in the slammer.Dudes who have spent time in prison have seen some gay activity go down or were victims of the "dropped soap" nightmare. If your man is anxiously anticipated the release of his cell mate and gets ghost after he's freed, you already know what time it is. *Special Note: Be wary of jailboys with cornrows, what lap did he have to rest his head in to get them joints plaited?*

6. He wants to engage in a threesome with another guy.Red flag. If he wants to have a threesome with you and another guy, this is bad. No straight man wants to see his girl getting down with another guy. If your dude has had a threesome in the past with one of his "boys" and a "jumpoff," that's two too many testicles in a sexual scenario! He's gay.

7. He picks out your clothes.If your dude picks out your clothes for you and is piecing together parts of your wardrobe that you never thought would go together, but somehow his ensembles turn out "fierce," you've got a fairy on your hands.

8. He steals your panties.In some cases, this is okay. Plenty of women have found a set of her panties at her mans place without knowing that he took them, in most cases this is healthy. But, if your man is stealing your thongs and panties in excessive amounts, he's quietly trying them on and wearing them.

9. He has overly-feminine gestures. If your guy rolls his neck, sucks his teeth, fold his arms and stomps away when he gets mad, he's more than "feminine." If he throws his hands to his mouth and rolls his eyes back when he get excited, or walks with more of a switch than you do, he's a certified b*&#h and you knew this already, but just wanted a gay friend, right?

10. He spends more time getting ready than you do.If your man is still in the mirror after you've showered, shaved, applied make-up, did your hair, ironed your clothes, made a drink and took a short nap on more than one occasion. Chances are he looks better than you, knows and loves that he does and officially plays for the other team.

While these signs are NOT psychotherapist certified, they're simply things to pay attention to if you're not sure that the man you're seeing is as straight as he claims. Even though you may have a weakness for "pretty-boys" or hard criminals, the truth is "gay" has no look or preference, so ladies (and men) be smart and always SAFE!


Mary said...

Good post. You're sounding kinda gay. How do you know so much about it?

BaakirLaRevolucion said...

This isn't my original post, all I did was copy and paste it. It came from another source.