Sunday, March 29, 2009

Post 8: Time for a change!

What's good, bloggers? How are ya'll doing? I hope everyone is doing fine. I'm back to hit you guys off with another blogpost from yours truly, and this time things are going to turn around...for the better.

I'm making a change in my life, and this time when I go for the big change in my life, I'm going to stick to it this time. I've decided that it's time for me to lose weight! No games this time, just commitment. This is something that must be done, and it's for my health. I don't have time to sit around and gain weight with the understanding that it's unhealthy and that I could die at an early age. I'm sick and tired of walking upstairs with titties constantly bouncing and hitting me in the face. It's quite disturbing and embarrassing...for a male. I also don't like the fact that everytime I walk across campus, I have to worry about running out of breath. When I'm in the club and I start dancing [and I happen to be a decent dancer], I run out of breath. Imagine being in the club trying to do crazy ass dances and then you're 'bout to pass out on the floor because the pain in your chest is too much. That's not sexy at all. As a matter of fact, if I saw a fat person passing out in the middle of a club [given the fact that they're still alive], more than likely I'm going to laugh at them! That shit is hilarious to me, and it's probably hilarious to all of the smaller, healthy and athletic mu'fuckas in the club as well. I'm just kidding, I wouldn't laugh at my fellow fat-asses...

When I was little, I wasn't fat. Actually, I was quite the healthy one, despite being rather stocky and having a big ass head. I was somewhat of an athlete in my neighborhood. My energy compelled me to outrun all the kids my age, out-fight the kids my age [and some older ones], and out-smart most of the kids [I was the MAN at hide-n-seek]. With that being said, I had major agility!

The Bible says: "...What profits a ham, if it gains the whole weight, and lose its soul?"

Okay, the Bible didn't really say that, I thought I'd add some religious humor. But this is serious, guys. I'm losing weight. All those days of eating after dark, wearing layers of clothes in order to hide the apparent "bigness", scratching my titties because they itch underneath, getting rejected by females because they can't see the beauty on the inside [or they think the inside is a conglomerate of cookies and oatmeal pies], and my thighs rubbing together! Those days are over and done! I'm turning over a new leaf in my life.

I'm going to feel the rain on my big-ass, chocolate, and quite sexy skin. I wonder if Lady Gaga likes big niggas...? If so, I'll cancel the diet, but if not, then I guess I'll stick with it. I wanna bust a ____ all over her pokerface! [Fill in the blank, if you dare...]

Yeah, so I'm losing weight! I'm going to need some support from you guys. I just need for you all to pray for me that I go through with it, and not give up. I want to be skinny so I wear those tight ass 'skinny jeans' and wear tight polos like Kanye West does!

Don't judge me!

Also, hit me up on Twitter:

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