Friday, March 20, 2009

Post 6: BGCR --> Blog for Generational Change & Revolution

There are global issues going on in the world that are far beyond our understanding. People are dying, lives are changing for the worst, we live in a world were the rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer, biochemical warfare, recessions, depressions, famine, war, and the list goes on. Noone seems to care anymore about the human morals and values that are divine and have been bestowed upon us since the beginning of mankind. It seems as if noone cares about life anymore. Everyone wants the world to get better [so they say], for the world to change - but how can the world change when all people seem to care about are their personal issues, capitalism, and being apathetic. We live in a survival of the fittest society. We have no regards for other human life with little knowledge of how fragile and self-destructive we can be as individuals. Some would rather sit back and complain about whatever is wrong in the world, but never take the time to analyze and begin making changes. Well, now there's something WE can do about it.

Since the majority of our media and marketing is dominated by the computer technology culture and we live in a computer dominated world, let's put our computers and voices to good use, shall we. I believe in the natural "good" in all of mankind, and I also believe that if we're going to spend the majority of our time being unproductive on Facebook, Myspace & Twitter, then we can use the internet in order to have a global impact on the entire world. Blogging! A fairly subtle trend that I was completely unaware of until recently. This is my plan:

1. Create a blogspot.

2. Constantly post new blogs about specific topics/current events that needs automatic attention.

3. Copy and paste links to your selective blogs on other social networking sites, oversaturating the system [they should get tired of seeing your BGCR's].

4. Create physical publications associated with your blog posts and spread your ideas throughout your local communities.

5. Send your blogs to online celebrities repeatedly! If more than one person sends at least 10 blog links a piece, somebody is bound to read at least one of them.

6. So this movement can carry out effectively and collectively, it's important that everyone is on the same page. We'll start out with individual blog posts, then expand with the increase in membership to the group. After the initial group membership reaches 5,000+ people, we'll be sending out issues to be researched and discussed in blogs by the month, meaning that it would give us one full month to inspire a collective change via the internet. It is vitally important that we all focus collectively, but also be aware of ALL diverse, global issues.

7. Follow different blogs and connect socially. Keep minds and perspectives open and communicate effectively & often.

**Remember, you can be creative as you want to, but as long as you have ownership to your blogs and you document everything you write in your blogs. This is a small movement, but it can turn into something major. Let's change it together!

- The concept of using the internet and computer technology to help change the world -

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