Monday, January 11, 2010


Well, since it's hard for me to sleep on the eve of the 1st day of classes for this Spring 2010 semester, I figure it'd be the perfect time to post a blog. Might as well. Maybe doing all of this typing will help me to sleep in a little while. I haven't had the time nor the energy to post a blog in a while. There's been a lot of things going on in my life that I could've shared with the blog world, but I held back on doing so. Coming from the person who lives by the open-book policy. Simply, the open-book policy means that everyone around me, and even those who don't know me so well, have a bird's eye view of my life because I don't hide much of anything that goes on in it. With that being said, I feel the need to share some of what's been going on with me and provide a bit of inspiration to you who view this post. I aim to inspire; through means of positivity and encouragement.

Given the fact that this is a new year, I've been obliged to offer some of the things that I have learned throughout 2009; some good, some not so good, but helpful.

I learned back in 2009 that Twitter is king. Yes, I said it. Twitter, a fairly new social networking site, has taken over the internet and gives a brand new meaning to "information sharing". It's the shit, to say the least. I'm on it, my friends are on it, a few family members are on it, Barack Obama has an account, but rarely uses it, there are a few crackheads who have accounts, but they go to other people's houses just to take a peek and send a couple of shout out tweets, etc. It's the new shit poppin' on the internet. When I first stumbled upon Twitter, I thought it was whack and corny. I thought, "Who in the world would use this shit?" All you do is sit there and post "tweets" (status updates) about what you're doing throughout your seemingly normal, ultimately fucked up life. Yeah, was I ever so wronged about Twitter. So, buried in my own ignorance, I just kept the account active for a few months just to see what would happen, curious as to whether I'd like it and want to continue a member of Twitter, or close my account and not tell anyone that I had one. To my surprise, I sort of fell in deep like with Twitter. I discovered why people loved Twitter so much. It's the information feeder. I found out very quickly that posting articles, news topics, current events, and sports information was the ultimate way to go. It kept people in the know and it kept me in the loop as to what was going on in the world. I liked it automatically after a good 2 weeks. Then, it got better. I found a lot of my close friends and classmates were using Twitter as well. Now, what's interesting about that is the fact that I have some hilarious, sometimes weird friends and family. The things they posted via Twitter were my daily entertainment outlets. I could stay on for hours reading their tweets, responding and laughing at them constantly. Then, I was introduced to the Trending Topics section. Man ol' man! When I tell you that trending topics were/are the business, I kid you not, it was the business! Some of the craziest thoughts ran through my mind as well as others.

Some of the notable trending, quite famous, topics of the past and present:

#signedtoyoungmoney - All-time favorite!
#fuckyoumean - 2nd all-time favorite!
#theresanappforthat - 3rd all-time favorite!
#somefuckniggashit - I went in on this one!
#somecuffahoeshit - I REALLY went in on this one!
#iwouldsmash - This one got me into a lot of trouble!
#fabsteeth - This was just wrong!
#preciouslookslike - This was worse!

...And the list goes on.

Let's not even begin to mention the people that you'll find yourself following and un-following in a one-week time frame. It's incredible, I must say. Some people take it too seriously, but it really isn't that serious. Oh well, those people don't have much of a life (I try to tell them all the time, it's just Twitter). They're recently introduced the "retweet" feature. Basically, whatever a person tweets, you don't have to go through the rigorous hassle of copying and pasting their material, but you can just simply click a button and POOF there it is right there. Their tweet, their copyright, but you're statement that you retweeted their information. I generally tweet and retweet stuff that's either funny, inspirational, or information that I feel is necessary to others. Currently, I'm at 16,493 tweets. Yeah, I think I tweet too much my damn self, but am I going to stop it? Hell no.

Needless to say, Twitter is the shit. It has gotten me through some turbulent times in my life. It has also gotten me into a lot of trouble, but good trouble in a way. Whoever created Twitter has to be the richest, most unknown, dude in the entire world, or somewhere close to being the richest.

Yeah, not much to talk about @ 5:41am, but nevertheless, it's made me very sleepy. So...well...umm...goodnight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Twitter! Plus that's where I found you!