Saturday, December 6, 2008

Post 3: Groupies!

Hello once again and welcome to The Ninth Planet! For today's topic, we'll be focusing our attention on "groupies" and not only what it means to be a groupie, but also the characterizations and perpetuated stereotypes which comes along with being a groupie. This will be interesting, to say the least. Not only will this be a singular blog, for starters, but it will be a continuous file for discussion. We're going to be talking about this subject for the next week or so. So, for all of you who are groupies at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, don't feel's okay. We're not going to reveal your identities (mainly, because everyone knows who the fuck you are).

According to, the definition of a groupie is as follows. A groupie is a young person, esp. a teenage girl, who is an ardent admirer of rock musicians and may follow them on tour. But, that isn't all. The second definition of a groupie was an ardent fan of a celebrity or of a particular activity: such as a tennis groupie. Now, I am not quite familiar with the accuracy at which these definitions are compiled, but they seem to make great sense. That's just me, I don't know. But here at my school, the definition of a groupie has taken on a new found value, which is of questionable value. It's not a good thing being a groupie, or is it? Is it wrong to be an advent supporter of a group or even an individual? Is it wrong to be a fan of what a group or an individual stand for?

No, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being a supporter of anything. There is nothing wrong with being a follower, as long as the leadership is legitimate and in tact without any doubt, although noone is perfect, as long as whatever or whoever one chooses to support isn't playing a role in the instability of their relationships, their personal and social lives. So, what's the big deal?

This is when being a groupie becomes a problem. The reason people have such a problem with groupies is not because of the level of attention that's given to a potential party, but it's the value of the participant. Whenever a person's character is put into question, that's when it becomes an issue for some. Although I do find following a person or a group of people around all the time quite disturbing, it can be beneficial in some ways. But this situation that I've seen so frequently reminds me of the little brother or sister who is always bugging the living shit out of the older sibling. That's just annoying as hell, and disturbing. But in colleges and universities, the term groupie is much more complex than someone who's just following someone around. Usually, when you see a groupie or know of a groupie, not only is she a follower, but a "beneficiary" of some sorts. I have my own definition of a beneficiary. It's when a groupie gives a piece of him/herself (9 times out of 10 it's a female) for the sanctity of the organization or the individual in order to increase his/her status as a person. In dumb-people terms, groupies receive little to no respect, but they're main purpose is to get fucked and get looked over! That's the harsh reality of it. Sucks, doesn't it.

Now, I'm not here to defend the plight and fashion of your typical groupie, but I do not believe that there is nothing wrong with being a groupie. If you're a fan of a football or basketball team and you follow them where ever they choose to roam, then that's okay. If someone chooses to support someone or something because of certain beliefs or some specialized entity, then I'm not going to knoch their hustle. All I'm saying is this; when you make yourself just an object and you do things out of character for the sake of someone else, then that's when it becomes an issue. Don't take yourself out of your morals and personal character - it's not cool at all.

Basically, if you're hanging out with someone or a particular group not just for the sake of friendship, but to receive something from them, then that's trifling and insignificant. If you're having sex or giving up any part of yourself to increase status, then that's ignorant and dangerous (not to mention the feelings get involved - unless you don't have any, then...) within itself.

Feel free to post. If I've missed anything, or if there is anything that is quite unclear, let me know.

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